Member Forms
People's Memorial Association provides planning documents to make it easier for you to be organized and prepared when a death occurs. Be sure to discuss your wishes with your next-of-kin and let them know where your documents are filed.
PMA makes these planning documents available for free to encourage affordable, accessible end-of-life planning for all. You can show your thanks by making a donation to our nonprofit. Or you can sign up for a PMA Membership, where we will send you a packet of all these forms plus pricing information for discounted services through our network of provider partners. Learn more about PMA Membership benefits here.
Do you want to watch one of our educational workshop classes? Check out our Webinar Library for dozens of classes with up-to-date information on end-of-life planning and options.
Ducks in a Row Checklist
The PMA Ducks in a Row Checklist helps you get your ducks in a row. The bingo card format helps you check things off the list, organized into health, financial, and death planning items.
There are many resources provided by other nonprofit organizations PMA is happy to direct you to concerning health directives and legal resources. Check out our Planning Information page for more resources.
For in-person education about end of life arrangements, consider attending one of our Events or view a recording of a previous Ducks in a Row workshops.
Disposition Authorization & Vital Statistics Form
The Disposition Authorization & Vital Statistics is the most important single form for documenting your funeral choices. This document contains everything a funeral director or medical examiner needs when a death occurs. It has been updated in 2020 to include the recently legalized options, alkaline hydrolysis and natural organic reduction.
The Disposition Authorization notes your choice of preferred disposition (cremation, burial, alkaline hydrolysis, natural organic reduction), as well as where you choose as your final resting place. The Vital Statistics section contains all the information needed for the death certificate.
Complete the form online, print, sign, and keep with your important papers.
Designated Agent Form
The Designated Agent form is used to authorize a specific person to direct your funeral arrangements. A Designated Agent is like a Power of Attorney for funeral arrangements. This allows the Designated Agent to supersede all others, including family members, when determining end-of-life care. This form may be particularly important if you have no living blood relatives or a less traditional family structure.
See the Who Makes Decisions? page for more information on next of kin and who's voice must be followed legally. The law tends to prioritize blood and marriage relationships, which may not be preferred for all family types.
PMA's Document Storage Service (Optional)
For a one-time fee of $25, People's Memorial Association will store your funeral planning documents electronically with your member record. We will scan your completed paperwork and return the originals to you by post (or you may send us your scanned documents via email to Upon your death, next-of-kin or designated agents should tell the funeral home of your choice that you are a PMA member and all paperwork is on file with PMA. That funeral home will then have access to the electronic documents. Next-of-kin may also contact PMA any time to retrieve planning documents.
If you ever wish to update your forms again, that's ok and encouraged! Please simply resend your new forms to PMA (and your next-of-kin). Reviewing and updating your plans is highly encouraged every 10 years or whenever you have a major update to your life.
If you are interested in submitting your paperwork for digital storage, please purchase Document Storage Service and submit your completed Document Storage form.