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Natural Organic Reduction

Natural Organic Reduction

With the passage of SB 5001: Concerning Human Remains in 2019, Washingtonians now have access to a new form of disposition: natural organic reduction.  Also referred to as recomposition, terramation, or just human composting, this process takes place in an enclosed vessel, where a body is placed with organic matter, like alfalfa, wood chips, and straw. 

Over the course of roughly a month, the carefully calibrated temperature and moisture inside helps microbes break down the body into a nutrient-rich soil.  About a cubic meter of soil remains at the end of the process, allowing your loved one to not only return to the Earth, but nurture it in perpetuity.

People's Memorial negotiates discounted pricing for natural organic reduction at several partnering funeral homes. These contractual prices are in effect from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Funeral Home City PMA Price Standard Price
Klontz Funeral Home Auburn $4,207.50 $4,950.00
Return Home Auburn $3,960.00 $4,950.00
Curnow Funeral Home Bellevue $4,207.50 $4,950.00
Hubbard Funeral Home Castle Rock $5,180.75 $6,095.00
Dowling Funeral Home Cathlamet $5,180.75 $6,095.00
Funeral Alternatives of WA Centralia $4,207.50 $4,950.00
Dahl-McVicker Funeral Home Kelso $5,180.75 $6,095.00
Funeral Alternatives of WA Lacey $4,207.50 $4,950.00
Steele Funeral Chapel Longview $5,180.75 $6,095.00
Bradley-Kosec Funeral Home & Crematory Port Townsend $4,420.00 $5,200.00
The Co-op Funeral Home Seattle $3,960.00 $4,950.00
Recompose Seattle $5,950 $7,000.00
Curnow Funeral Home Sumner $4,207.50 $4,950.00
Weeks' Dryer Mortuary Tacoma $5,095.75 $5,995.00
Fir Lawn Funeral Chapel Toledo $5,180.75 $6,095.00
Funeral Alternatives of WA Tumwater $4,207.50 $4,950.00
Northwood Park FH & Crematory Vancouver $5,180.75 $6,095.00
Woodland Funeral Home Woodland $5,180.75 $6,095.00


Recompose, Washington's first natural organic reduction funeral home in Seattle, requires PMA members to use code PMA-15 to unlock the 15% discount when making purchases through their website.