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Contracted Providers

Contracted Funeral Homes

Contracted Funeral Homes

People's Memorial Association has extended contracts to over 20 funeral homes all across Washington state. PMA Members get access to 15% discounts on their services, and that partner funeral homes are held to the highest ethical standards above the minimum of the law.

Use the map below or search for your closest city below to find a PMA-contracted funeral home. 

Select a city to find your closest PMA contracted funeral home

Not seeing a funeral home near you? People's Memorial Association does our best to cover our entire state with close access to funeral homes, but it's hard with a state this big. If you know of a funeral home near you that PMA should contract with, please let us know! Email to refer us to a funeral home you can vouch for. PMA staff will then vet that they meet our high standards before we extend a contract.