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What is a Death Doula?

What is a Death Doula?

A Death Doula is a person who is experienced in being with dying and death. Similar to a birth doula, they provide physical, emotional and informational support to a person and their family during one of life's major transitions. The dying person is supported before, during and just after death. Please join us in learning more about the service of death doulas with Lashanna Williams from A Sacred Passing: Death Midwifery & Community Education. This class is perfect for people interested in learning about Death Midwifery for themselves, for general understanding of this type of support, or for people who may be interested in becoming a doula in the future.

A Sacred Passing: Death Midwifery and Community Education is a nonprofit based in south Seattle. People's Memorial Association is a Seattle-based nonprofit dedicated to funeral education and advocacy. Members and not-yet-members are welcome. Registration is not required but appreciated.